Tuesday 20 October 2015

Mind Lab Visit.

This morning Room 7 visited the 'Mind Lab' in Petone.
What a fabulous learning place it is!

We had lots of fun learning about robotics and creating our own piece of music.

Sunday 18 October 2015

'Goodtime Music' Performance.

On Friday we had a performance from the guys at the 'Goodtime music Academy'.
We had a great time dancing, singing and clapping with the music.

Junket Making.

Who can remember Junket??

We made junket (custard) using warm milk, caster sugar, and rennet.
Rennet is an enzyme which is found in a calf's stomach.
You can't overheat the milk or you will kill the enzyme.

Once we cut into the junket the whey runs out and separates from the curds.

Some children came back for a second taste BUT most struggled to taste their first spoonful.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Our topic for Term 4 is 'Food Technology'.
We will be looking at Yoghurt, Bread and Yeast, and Biscuits.

Today we talked about milk and milk products.

We made butter by putting cream into a jar and sending it around our class circle.
Each child had turns at shaking the jar of cream.
It did not take long to turn into lovely yellow butter with some milky whey left as well.

We spread some of our butter onto crackers so we could all have a taste.

Yum! it did taste like butter.

Monday 12 October 2015

Welcome to Term 4.

It is great to be back working in Room 7 with the 'Super 7' students.
We have a very busy term with lots of learning and fun times to be had.

Today we had Tennis coaching with Paddy, working in Room 7 and finished the day
with a session in the library.