Friday 27 February 2015

Swimming Training

Congratulations to George and Joey who were selected for the Western Zone swimming training group.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Water Fun Day

Yesterday was Water Fun Day. We had lots of different water based activities - including old favourites   bubbles, the paddling pool and sprinkler. We also had some new favourites including sponge war and water painting.
We all had an awesome day except maybe Daniel who couldn't get his cast wet.
Playing in the paddling pool.
Charging through the sprinkler
Sponge War.

More War

Mr Scott joins in.
Spray paint in a different way.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Our Class Treaty

In Room 7 we have written our class treaty. It shows how we will treat each other with respect this year. After we decided that this was what we wanted to say we all signed it.
This is what it says:

Saturday 21 February 2015


We used the lovely weather on Friday to catch up on the swimming we missed on Monday (when the water was a chilly 18 degrees). It might have been our warmest day yet. I hope next week is as warm though the weather doesn't look promising.
Pleased to be in the water.
Rocket arms.
Time for a quick play at the end.

Thursday 19 February 2015


Today with Matt we learned about throwing in cricket. He had a really useful routine we used to remember how to throw.

  We also had a fun game of Diamond Cricket. Thanks Matt!

Sunday 15 February 2015


Well done to Room 7 hosting the first assembly of 2015!
All the presenters did a wonderful job. I'm sorry we had to cut things short and not everyone got their turn but unfortunately we ran out of time.
We shared a few of our 'Why' poems in assembly - Here they are for you to read.
Where are we going?
To School
To Learn
For money
To get a job.
To pay bills.
Stop asking why!
Where are we going?
To School
To Learn
It’s important.
It's if you want to be a teacher and teach a class.
Where are we going?
To School
To Learn
To get a job.
To earn money.
To buy a house.
Then you won’t get wet in the rain.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Cricket Training

Today we had our first cricket lesson with Matt from Hutt District Cricket Club.
We focussed on fielding - throwing and catching skills.

Thanks to Matt, who was great. We all enjoyed being out in the sun learning new skills.

Wednesday 4 February 2015


First we drew our portraits with pencil. 
Then we used black vivid to draw the outline of our pictures.
Last we used pastels to colour our portraits
By Nadia and George

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Monday 2 February 2015

End of the First Day

Here is Room 7 at the end of their first day of a new term.